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Coronavirus: Madrid challenges ongoing COVID-19 lockdown in supreme court
Madrid launches legal challenge against Spanish government over second lockdown as cases rise
Rights and Courts in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Perspective from Spain and Portugal
Virtual roundtable "Coronavirus and the Maghreb: Challenges to stability and reform"
Residents in Madrid protest handling of virus
Virtual roundtable "The EU response to COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the future of the Union”
Spain update day 168 - Worst week of the 'second wave'
[LIVE] WLC Opening Session Miami: Covid-19, Boon or Detriment for Gender Equality?
Opening Session Miami: "Covid-19: Boon or Detriment for Gender Equality?"
How Some Nonprofits have Thrived during COVID-19...the art of "Pivoting"
Pandemic. Panic. Politics: Democracy in Times of Crisis - Irune Ariño
#CEBRA2021 - Session 19: Financial Conditions and Policy Responses during the COVID-19 Pandemic